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International Tax Update: Expense allowances granted under the new expat tax regime are exempted from social security contributions

Friday, 11 February 2022
A new special tax regime for incoming executives and researchers entered into force in Belgium on 1 January 2022.

Proposal for new European directive: the end of entities with little substance?

Thursday, 10 February 2022
On December 22, 2021, the European Commission published a potentially far-reaching proposal for a new directive. The aim of this proposal is to "tackle the misuse of undertakings that do…

New Belgian special expat tax regime – who’s in?

Wednesday, 09 February 2022
A new expat tax regime for incoming executives and researchers entered into force in Belgium on 1 January 2022. Considering the change in the special tax regime’s scope, conditions and…

International tax update: UAE introduces corporate income tax

Tuesday, 01 February 2022
Yesterday, 31 January 2022, the UAE Ministry of Finance announced the introduction of a federal corporate income tax (‘CIT’). For financial years starting on or after 1 July 2023, UAE…

The Belgian ELTIF: ready for launch in 2022?

Thursday, 27 January 2022
ELTIF introduced mid 2021 By the Belgian Act containing various provisions of 27 June 2021 (Belgian Official Gazette 9 July 2021), the regime of a European Long Term Investment Fund…

International Tax Update: 'New' 2022 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines: Bundling of earlier guidance

Thursday, 20 January 2022
The OECD published today the successor of the July 2017 edition of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (“OECD TP Guidelines”). This 'January 2022' edition of…

International Tax Update: Belgian transfer pricing country profile at refers to the latest Belgian transfer pricing circular letter, whereas arguably the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines are more relevant as a source of reference

Friday, 14 January 2022
On 13 December 2021, the OECD updated several country profiles and added profiles for three new countries (a second batch further to the first batch that was released in August…
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BE-1000 Brussels

T +32 2 773 40 00

F +32 2 773 40 55

Tiberghien Antwerp

Grotesteenweg 214 B.4
BE-2600 Antwerp

T +32 3 443 20 00

F +32 3 443 20 20

Tiberghien Ghent

Esplanade Oscar Van de Voorde 1
BE-9000 Gent

T +32 9 216 18 00

Tiberghien Hasselt

Torenplein 7 B13.1
BE-3500 Hasselt

T +32 11 57 00 13

Tiberghien Luxembourg

23, Boulevard Joseph II
LU-1840 Luxembourg

T +352 27 47 51 11

F +352 28 66 96 58